Tuesday, December 13, 2011

To Know Something About Love

Spirit of Love

The wait is driving me find yourself in bad.
I am waiting for a long now and I miss you.
I miss you infinitely!
I want to love you!
I'm waiting!!

When you touch me I will be your electrical discharge along.
When I kiss my lips honey that fills your mouth.
When I speak your voice takes up real me, 
light up my senses, upset my soul.

You'll slip on my body drops of perfumed love.

I'll take caresses and kisses to touch the most hidden parts of me.
When he smiled I plunge into your eyes 

and your heart will come looking for you.

Confound you and your emotion will be the fuel that we burn the senses.
You ciberai me, I love grocery store

erase all your strength with
an overdose of love.

And all your uncertainty will die in my arms.
We will found to be up one soul forever.

I want to be.
I would be for you, life, love.
  the hope, the joy of living.
I would like to be your present and your future.
I would like to be a beacon in the night where you can always find you and find myself.
I would like for you to be a safe haven in which to stop Thee.
for a moment, for a day or a lifetime.
I want to be a husband, lover, friend.
I would like to be the spring and summer, autumn and winter.
I would like to be the center of your universe.
your world, your thoughts, your dreams.
I would like for you to be everything you want and everything you own.
I wish I though maybe not for you I will never be.

The word love has born to surprise.
  probably the most beautiful words have yet to be written,
  because the love lives of dreams and hope.

sometimes waiting a lifetime to find,

and live that moment of happiness,
that true love can give us.
a simple kiss, but that makes us touch the sky with a finger.
 and when they do not seem true
you would like to stop time.
lest they end up.
but the important thing and live it fully!
And I owe it to you this time.
  thanks to my love!

The breath of the night,
transport you into a magical dream.
the breeze that makes you tremble with emotion,
that the stars will gift a smile.
and that the moon whispers to me,
 you're really important.

When you touch me I will be your electrical discharge along.
When I kiss my lips honey that fills your mouth.
When I speak your voice takes up real me, 
light up my senses, upset my soul.


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